
Windows section of the manifest contains Windows-specific definitions used by the interactive installer (InnoSetup)

Following properties must be set:

  • uuid- a UUID string identifying the application in the windows registry. This UUID is used by the installer during updates and the uninstall process.

  • group - a string value containing the name of the Start menu folder in which the application should be placed.

  • run_on_startup - a string value containing one of the following two values: "everyone" and "user". If "everyone" is specified, the application will auto-start for any user login. If "user" is specified, the application will auto-start only for the user that has installed the application.

  • run_after_setup - a boolean value true or false indicating whether the interactive installer should offer the user to run the application after the completion of the installation.

  • resources - contains a list of windows resource strings that should be included in the executable. For example, the following declaration will add CompanyName record set to the organization name and a custom resource value NW Project containing the application title: resources = [ { CompanyName = "$ORGANIZATION" }, { Custom = { name = "NW Project", value = "$TITLE" }}, ]

    Winows resource strings and values can be arbitrary. The following list of resource names is considered to be standard on Windows:

    • CompanyName
    • FileDescription
    • FileVersion
    • InternalName
    • LegalCopyright
    • LegalTrademarks
    • OriginalFilename
    • PrivateBuild
    • ProductName
    • ProductVersion

Please note that ProductName, ProductVersion, CompanyName, FileVersion, InternalName are set automatically to match the properties specified in the [application] section. Specifying them under the [resources] section will override the [application] section values.