
You can install cargo-nw from source using cargo. If Rust is not available, please see the Installing Rust section below.

Install and run cargo-nw using cargo:

cargo install cargo-nw

cargo nw --help

Installing Rust

To install cargo-nw from source, you need to install the Rust programming language as follows:

On Unix systems (Linux & MacOS) run:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

For Windows systems, download and run: rustup-init.exe

Alternatively, see other installation methods.


  • InnoSetup for Windows - allows creation of interactive Windows application installers
  • SnapCraft + LXD - allows building of redistributable images for compatible Linux distributions
  • WASMPACK if you want to build Node Webkit WASM applications in Rust

Operating Systems

To create installers you will need to run cargo-nw on each respective operating system. If you do not posess the hardware, you may be able to get around usign virtualization software such as Virtual Box for Windows and Linux and UTM for MacOS