
Package directive controls the packaging properties of the redistributable.

  • archive - ZIP archive format. Currenly only DEFLATE and STORE formats are supported. Cargo NW supports BZIP2 and ZSTD, unfortunately target operating systems do not alwasy support these formats and they should not be used.

  • signatures - when set to true this will generate .sha256sum files containing SHA256 hash of the resulting file. This can be used to fingerprint and validate the validity of the downloadable file. Beware - this is a superficial validation and does not protect you from malicious activity. For proper validation of redistributables you should use GPG key signing.

  • source - the source folder of the project relative to the nw.toml manifest.

  • build - The build directive supports two objects: WASM and NPM.

    • WASM will run wasmpack on the root folder before the integration process begins.
    • NPM will run npm install --omit dev on the root folder before the integration process begins.
  • resources - location of setup resources (icon files) relative to the location of the manifest file. By default this folder is resources/setup

  • include - include filters allowing glob or regex selection of the files that should be copied from the application root folder into the redistributable. By default, all files are included.

  • exclude - exclusion filter allowing glob or regex filtering of the files being copied to the redistributable application folder. In a typical configuration these should be set to exclude all folders that should be be a part of your redistributable, for example exclude = { glob = ["{bin/*,src/*,target/*,test/*,*.lock,*.toml,.git*}"]} If needed, you can specify multiple glob and regex entries that will be combined during the filtering process.