
script allows for creation of a custom script during the integration process and execution of this script

script supports the following options:

  • type - script type: bash,sh,zsh,bat,cmd,ps1
  • name - optional - script file name
  • interpreter - optional the interpreter used to run the script (by default the interpreter is derived from the script type property)
  • script - script content

script supports the following filter options:

  • platform - platform filter
  • arch - architecture filter
  • family - platform family filter
items = [
# this is bash script that will run only 
# on Linux and MacOS dur to family filter
{ script = { type = "bash", family = "unix", script = """
echo "running Bash!"
""" }},
# this is CMD script that will run only 
# on Windows due to family filter
{ script = { type = "cmd", family = "windows", script = """
echo "running CMD!"
""" }},