
copy directive provides file copy functionality.

copy supports the following options:

  • glob - an array of glob patterns. Creates a source file set based on the supplied set of glob patterns.
  • regex - an array of regular expressions. Creates a source file set based on the supplied list of regular expressions.
  • file - selects a single source file relative to the
  • to - destination folder (if used with glob or regex) or destination file (if used with file)
  • flatten - copies all files into the destination folder without preserving the original folder structure.
  • hidden - copies hidden files and folders (files or folder names starting with .) that are otherwise ignored.

copy supports the following filter options:

  • platform - platform filter
  • arch - architecture filter
  • family - platform family filter


name = "copy binaries"
items = [
    # copy all files in `bin` folder to $TARGET/bin
    { copy = { glob = ["**/bin/*"], to = "$TARGET/bin" }},

    # copy all files in `extern/bin` to $TARGET/bin
    { copy = { regex = ["extern/bin/[^/]+$"], to = "$TARGET/bin" }},

    # copy all files in `server/**/bin` and `client/**/bin` to $TARGET/bin
    # copy without preserving source folder structure (all files will copy to $TARGET/bin)
    { copy = { regex = ["server/.+/bin/[^/]+$", "client/.+/bin/[^/]+$"], to = "$TARGET/bin", flatten = true }},

    # copy all `.tpl` files from subfolders named `templates` and rename them to *.cfg
    # copy without preserving source folder structure (all files will copy to $TARGET/configs)
    { copy = { glob = ["**/templates/*.tpl"], to = "$TARGET/configs/*.cfg", flatten = true }},
name = "copy project config"
items = [
    # copy file and rename it
    { copy = { file = "template.cfg", to = "$TARGET/project.cfg" }}